All together now. The first two headers were done before I knew what I was doing or had settled on a design. I don't think they ran all month... who the hell could remember?
Since I was out of town last week, this month's header was a little late in the making. As it turned out, it went up exactly one year to the day since my first post last year.
In many ways it's hard to believe it's now been one full year of blogging.
So let me take this opportunity to say thanks! to all of you who have sent emails of support, follow, make comments, or have sent in contributions to the Blog. It's great to know you are out there and I really feel like I've made some new friends.
From what I've heard, a lot of you like what you've seen so far. With that in mind, I'll do my darn best to keep the blog interesting and perhaps even better. So keep sending those comments and emails. - CK