The 34th annual El Camino College Classic Cycle Show and Swap Meet is this Saturday Sept.19.
After several years as the host/promoter, Bator International announced last year they were calling it quits. Ironically it was said to be bigger than ever. Thank goodness Classic Cycle Events has stepped up to take it over.
Here's a few shots from some previous years to wet your appetite.

That's your esteemed author (with hat in foreground), refereeing the arguing over some minor detail.
I've been going since '84. It actually wasn't at El Camino back then. I don't recall what they called it, but it was held in the parking lot at a couple of different locations (shopping centers), a bit more of a field event and was free! One year it didn't happen because no one wanted to be the promoter, and in 2007, it sort of sucked as the rain made a poor showing and it ended early.
For me, it's a must attend event. Great bikes, interesting people, and a giant swap meet that draws folks from far far away... and I only live about 4 miles from it.
For more info go to: